WTH can't the mobile phone companion app read notifications from OTHER apps and use them as triggers?

My use case is an app that connects to my whole home generator, and knowing whether or not the mains power cut out, or the generator failed to do its weekly exercise. My current workaround is to read email notifications and search for text that would indicate what I want to do in home assistant. I could also use Tasker to read the notifications and trigger something, but it would be nifty if home system companion app could do that natively. Could come in handy for other systems that don’t integrate with home assistant, or can’t.

At least on Android. Last notification and last cleared notification are both things…

I grab a subset of my notifications and stuff them into the calendar for consumption by my LLM later…

So it can. You just need to grab it and use it (see last notification sensor in the companion app)

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You can use IMAP integration to read your email notifications from the generator and then set automation or helper states based on header or text info.

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as you use android you just need to use the correct sensor:
