WTH does the default climate graph not show heating information due to the Y axis minimum?

The default climate history graph shows area above the highest temperature in the time period shown but not any area below the lowest temperature in the time period shown. The area below the lowest temperature is arguably more important since the area below the temperature line is where the heating/cooling data is shown. It seems like the default Y axis minimum should be below the lowest temperature so that the HVAC action data is shown.

Here is my garage heater. It’s winter in my area, so the thermostat is set to 40 F in my garage. I can’t see how often the heater is running unless I set the heating setpoint artificially low solely for purposes of setting the graph Y axis minimum. That workaround seems like it should be unnecessary for the default graph view. If there is useful data that the Y axis minimum obscures (in this case, the heating HVAC action), then the Y axis minimum should be set differently.

Yes, I can create a history graph card and specify the Y axis minimum, but the default behavior would be far more useful if it heating data were visible by default. Legend notwithstanding, this is a much more useful graph: