I’m a huge fan of figuring out stuff on my own. Competent Searching is a core component of self-help.
The ESPHome docs need some help. I’m not a fan of complaining, but I am…
Basic stuff. Anything in core should be displayed first, not a zillion components. Here is a basic examples where core components just don’t show up.
Why can’t I get a link for this page? It’s a core component.
This is just one of dozens of examples I could list endlessly. Google searches are sometimes better, but not always. I end up asking basic questions in these forums and on Discord that could easily be answered by the docs. I feel like I’m wasting folk’s time.
My conversations with VERY advanced programmers say the same thing:
ESPHome is a joy to use. It’s one of the single best parts of home assistant, and even as a stand-alone component, it ROCKS. Ive worked with enough programmers over the years in a dozen engineering departments to understand that devs absolutely despise documentation. But for us mere mortals, we rely on it like the Bible.
Time invested in improving the docs and especially the search function will pay dividends. For all of us!