I had Google Home working with my Home assistant since 2019, barely need to touch it. Recently received email from Google saying they are migrating from Action console to their new Home Developer Console in batches around early December 2024. Nothing will break on my end, so they say.
My google home speaker start dropping off from my Home Assistant initially on Dec 2nd, and eventually stop responding to anything link to my on prem Home Assistant instance on Dec 4th saying it can’t talk to my Google Action project. Can’t “sync all devices”, can’t turn on/off anything.
If I go through my Home Assistant, everything still work. Let’sEncrypt SSL cert still intact, everything work as it should except Google Assistant integration.
Does anyone know how to setup Google Assistant via the new Google Home Developer Console that can lend a helping hand ?
Just came to the forum looking for exactly the same information. As of a few days ago, Google Home is no longer talking to Home Assistant. I can’t manage devices, and when I say ‘sync devices,’ it doesn’t work either. It’s basically the same exact problem you’re having…so using Google speakers to manage things is now DOA.
I tried going to the new developer console, but it takes me nowhere; nothing comes up other than ‘import project,’ and when I try that, it tells me the project already exists.
I wish we could hack Google speakers to remove Google and turn them into HA speakers. Google’s ecosystem is a mess now!
Anyway like the OP looking for some advice to see if I can get it working again.
I had the same problem so I went to https://console.home.google.com/ click of my migrated project and pass a simple test (a single switch) then let the test finish and tell google home to resync devices and te integration started to work again.
I don´t know if I have made unnecessary steps but this worked for me.
I’m trying to integrate Google Assistant with Home Assistant, but I’m running into some issues. I’ve configured the app in the Google Home console (test), but when it redirects me to the Home Assistant login and I try to log in, I get the message “An error occurred, please try again.” After that, I can’t proceed.
I’ve never worked with Google Actions before, so I don’t have anything migrated, but I would like to know what data I need to fill in to complete the setup.
Also, could you share any screenshots or details on how you have the process configured?
When I try to access the URLs mentioned in the documentation (/auth/token and /api/google_assistant), I get the following errors:
• /auth/token: 405: Method Not Allowed
• /api/google_assistant: 404: Not Found
It seems like something is wrong with my installation. Any ideas on how to fix this?