WTH is it so hard to edit/duplicate the energy dashboard

Energy dashboard is great, but it misses a few parts for me, like real time consumption (water & elec / solar)

i would like to add that to the current energy dahsboard or recreate one,
if i place the current cards, it’s hard to recreate the layout, you can’t really place the picker in the same place, and it starts getting slow

wth :stuck_out_tongue:

And use the data presented in the energy dashboard elsewhere.

I would love to show my current monthly cost in my main dashboard for example, or show my monthly peak hours and use that data for calculations and estimates.

Use GitHub - flixlix/power-flow-card-plus: A power distribution card inspired by the official Energy Distribution card for Home Assistant for real time power usage.

Can calculate the cost using utility meter

Example card

{% set curr = states("sensor.city_of_tshwane_electricity_meter")|float(default=0.00) %}
{% set prev = states("input_number.city_of_tshwane_electricity_meter")|float(default=0.00) %}
{% set tariff = states("sensor.city_of_tshwane_electricity_tariff")|float(default=0.00) %}

R {{ ((curr - prev) * tariff)|round(2, default=0.00) }}

Set up different trariffs and use a template sensor to set the current tariff based on usage. Then multiply the consumption by tariff.

- sensor:
    - name: "City of Tshwane Electricity Tariff"
      unit_of_measurement: "R/kWh"
      state: >
        {% if states('sensor.city_of_tshwane_electricity_monthly_tariff_block_1')|float(default=0.0) <= 100  %}
        {% elif states('sensor.city_of_tshwane_electricity_monthly_tariff_block_2')|float(default=0.0) <= 300  %}
        {% elif states('sensor.city_of_tshwane_electricity_monthly_tariff_block_3')|float(default=0.0) <= 250  %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}