WTH multiple energy dashboards

It will be really nice if we can have more than one energy dashboard. I would really like to have my EV not obscuring my house usage (spikes from charging my car makes other usage bars tiny). Also, my garage is running from different meter and has different energy prices than my house. I was thinking for a long time about good solution for this and I think allowing to spawn multiple energy dashboards with different configurations will solve all of this - this way I can have one for my house, one for car and third for total. Iā€™m sure others will also benefit from this, especially EV owners and people with multiple billed energy meters.

I work at a company that has three datacenters. I use only one HA instance however (because two instances is just confusing to other tech people . . its an internal fight).

I would love to be able to have multiple energy dashboards, then I could have for each datacenter (or in the case of home users, I could have one for my solar shed, and one for my home)

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