WTH: Wake Words for Android App

No wake word for the companion app? Seems silly to design new voice assistant hardware to do what all the android phones and tablets can already do.

I understand there are some 3rd party apps to automate custom wake words and trigger the listener in the companion app.

With the ‘Year of the Voice’ just wrapping up I thought for sure there would be some movement on this front. Nope, just some expensive ESPHome hardware for voice integration.

How many phones, tablets, other android hardward could be repurposed for HA use if local wake words worked.

I’ve been waiting for this ever since Year of the Voice was announced. I thought it was a given because of how common voice control is with Google and Siri. Why aren’t more people making noise about it?

I’ve been using Google for almost all of my HA voice control because I can leave it in my pocket and control the house from anywhere. Super handy when my hands are full.