When I have all my groups collapsed, and I search for anything, it still just shows the collapsed groups that have that keyword in them, but there is no indication that it found something. You look at it and go "nothing changed.
Just spent waaaay to long searching for an automation I recently made in HA because when you search for something, it doesn’t show you the individual automation if they are in a closed group. What the heck is up with that?
Here’s the setup, as I think that is important add I may not be being clear and many people may just think I’m dumb. I do have a suggested solution at the bottom!
I have most everything in Node Red, but I wanted to give the new HA automations UX a try. So I made an automation in Home Assistant. I currently only have two groups.
But I when I was doing this particular search, I had the top group open, so it looked like this. I didn’t even realize/remember there was any grouping at all because I couldn’t see the second group heading:
So I search for “garage” and when I look at the results, it looks like it searched through everything and nothing came up and “ungrouped” is just the default empty group or something; it seems as if it just eliminated all of my automations because they are all gone. “Everything” went away.
This would be particularly confusing if the key word you were searching for was in a bunch of collapsed groups, and those collapsed groups filled your screen, as then nothing would even change, you wouldn’t see any individual automations disappear.
(So you’d conclude either search doesn’t work, or, like me, that you’re batshit crazy because you KNOW you just did a garage automation in HA but nothing is coming up when you search for “garage”. Then, you go and search and search and search in Node Red until you give up and go back to HA and realize that search doesn’t search in collapsed groups!)
Another Example: I have multiple automations in both categories with the title “bedroom,” but when I search it looks like there are no results if I have my groups collapsed already.
I suggest that when you search, it searches collapsed groups but add a little badge that tells you how many automations have that keyword in that group. This is a subtle change in terms of UI, no idea how hard it is on the programming end of it.