WTH. Why have not_to and not_from not been added to the Ui yet

Please add the ‘not_to’ & ‘not_from’ to the Ui.

I see many posts with people struggling to achieve what they want from the Ui and in many cases the simple fix is to use not_from or not_to and in most cases newer users or Ui only users don’t even know this function exists and having to drop back to yaml seems unnecessary for a simple function, or at least from the outside what appears should be a simple function.

It has not been added to the UI at this point, as it is considered to be an advanced (YAML-only feature).

I know that it is not an answer for your WTH, but just providing context to why it currently is like that.


Maybe we could have a ‘basic’ and ‘advanced’ mode toggle in the Ui editor :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We already have :wink:

You can find that toggle in your user profile.

Additionally, ever block in the automation editor supports being tweaked/edited in YAML (Uber advanced mode :laughing:)


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Bumping this. Would appreciate having this option in the UI as well, even just to make me as a user aware that it exists. I’ve also stumbled on it through the forum

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For future reference, it’s documented here:

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