I am currently using some sonoff pir2’s and a sonoff tasmota flashed bridge. The problem is that the sensor seems to take a couple of seconds before it picks you up… This means you often end up standing still halfway into the room before the light would turn on…
Are the wyze sense (using HACS integration) response times better on?
I’ve not used the Sonoff RF Pir2. But I have Random 433 Mhz Sensors, Wyze Sensors, Xiaomi Sensors, and ZWave Sensors (ZOOZ). Wyze and Xiaomi seem to be roughly on par. The detect VERY quickly (somewhere less than 0.5 seconds). The 433 Mhz sensors are great too, though each brand vary’s just a bit. All very fast, but, noticeable just in use that they are slower than Wyze and Xiaomi. This may be the fault of my 433 Mhz receiver (I use OpenMQTTGateway). I use Wyze sensors through the hagosense MQTT gateway (not the integration available via HACS). I use Xiaomi sensors through the xiaomi_aqara integration with their hub.
I do not think the receiver is causing the delay, but might be wrong. When entering the room the PIR2 seems to not always detect you (Almost seems to detect better on the sides that straight in fornt of it) , the green led that flashes when motion is triggered will take a couple of seconds before it turns on (This seems to be inline with the delay as the lights will turn on when this happens).
I like the small size of the wyze sense - so thinking of converting, even if the detection speed does not increase.