X10 in Hass.io?


I’ve just installed Hass.io for the first time. I’ve managed to add the Envisalink 4 component and my PIRs seem to be reporting movement in the logs correctly. I’d now like to add my X10 CM11A device, but when I tried adding the x10 platform entry to configuration.yaml and restarted, the logs reported errors about Heyu being missing.

Given what I’ve read and seen so far I get the impression that an Addon containing the Heyu binary will be needed before I can expect the x10 component to work correctly in the new Hass.io environment. Is that right?


I’ve got the same “issue”. I want also migrate to Hass.io with a X10 CM11A device.
Is there an addon (or another way) to install Heyu on Hass.io?

Would be great :slight_smile:

I still want to move to Hass.io without dumping my X10 devices. Is there another way to control the CM11A via for example another Raspberry?

Offcourse the best way to support the X10 CM11A would be by a Heyy addon (or something) directly on Hass.io.

I found this on GitHub: https://github.com/kevineye/docker-heyu-mqtt
Is it usefull for Hass.io in combination X10 CM11a?

Did you ever get it working ?
I get the following error when using my CM11A and trying to test with a lamp module.

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘heyu’