X9C digital potentiometer + Monchromatic Light

I would like to control the X9C digital potentiometer from Monochromatic Light. I wrote the code as below but nothing happens when I change the brightness from Monochromatic Light. I checked that the potentiometer is connected correctly - setting initial_value and set_level works. What’s wrong with this code? Thank you for any help.

# PSU main switch
  - platform: binary
    name: "Dom podswietlenie"
    output: light_output

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "Dom podswietlenie dim"
    output: x9c_pot

# x9c - cyfrowy potencjometr do sterowania prądem wyjsciowym
  - platform: x9c
    id: x9c_pot
    cs_pin: GPIO27
    inc_pin: GPIO25
    ud_pin: GPIO26
    initial_value: 0.95

  - platform: gpio
    id: light_output
    pin: GPIO32

Why? Can’t you control the X9C output directly?

Or do you have two lights? One connected to GPIO 32 and the other to the X9C?

It’s a bit hard to see what you are trying to achieve from the yaml.