Hi guys.
I’m running Hass.io on a Raspberry Pi 3 and use both LAN and WiFi simultaneously. I have configured the WiFi to connect to my dedicated IoT network while the LAN is (supposed) to only be used for getting access to the Internet (for updating Hass and getting the weather data).
The thing is that the Xiaomi Gateway only shows state-updates (such as motion or button presses) as long as the LAN cable is disconnected. I assume that the multicast packages are routed incorrectly or something like that or the Pi/Hass doesn’t know where to listen… I know the xiaomi_aqara component has an “interface” attribute, but I haven’t been able to get it to work no matter what I set it to.
My IoT network uses while my regular/LAN network uses So I tried to set the “interface” attribute to (IP of the IoT router/gateway) (the xiaomi gateway’s IP is but when I use that I’m always getting a message that the config is incorrect/the component failed to initialize.
Any ideas on how to configure this correctly would be highly appreciated.