Xiaomi Aqara Wall Switch automation triggered by events with "single" click_type


Long time lurker, first time poster.
I have a weird issue after adding my Xiaomi Aqara wall switch (single switch) and using it to toggle two lights in my living room.
It seems that any event_type: click with click_type: single will trigger the automation with the above switch.
Here’s the code:

- alias: "Stue_veggbryter"
    - platform: event
      event_type: click
        event_id: binary_sensor.wall_switch_158d00017101a2
        click_type: single
    - service: homeassistant.toggle
      entity_id: group.stuelys

I have a couple of round xiaomi switches, and triggering “single” click with any of these also toggles my living room lights, even my xiaomi switch acting as a doorbell (which isn’t even touched in HASS).
Anyone seen similar issues, or see something weird with my above automation? I have tried re-writing the automation many times w/o any luck. The log looks correct, meaning that the xiaomi gateway sends the correct event to HASS.

HASS: 0.59 (w/ debug enabled on xiaomi components)
Xiaomi GW firmware: Latest (released last month)

edit: Yeah… I screwed up the config file…
This was embarrassing. I even injected extra debugging into the binary-switch .py files before noticing I’ve written the routine incorrectly.

event_id: binary_sensor.wall_switch_158d00017101a2

To the correct formatting:

entity_id: binary_sensor.wall_switch_158d00017101a2

Now all is nice and dandy.
Thanks for this sweet piece of software, devs!



Thanks for sharing your “failure”. It took me reading the code 10 times to find your error in the formatting. NASTY !
They look so similar, it’s easily overlooked.

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Thanks for sharing this! I had the exact same error. Copy pasted the code from somewhere, I guess that’s what I get when I don’t think for myself :smiley:

I’m glad this helped you out!
And to be honest; I am sort of glad I am not the only one that has made this mistake :rofl:

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