Xiaomi Lightsensor not updating value anymore (Deconz)

I have a Xiaomi lightsensor which isn’t updating its state anymore. Everything worked perfect until now. I tried to delete the sensor, and add it again, but its always having the same state (1495 Lux).

Any idea what I can do? For me it seems, like its “stuck”. The led on the sensor is working, that’s why I don’t think that it is broke. Also if I delete the sensor from the mesh via VNC, it is just coming back without doing anything. How can I delete the sensor totally from the database? I think deconz has a database too?

I’m talking about this sensor:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-06-10 um 14.12.20

Well, I figured it own on my own. I was able to completely delete the sensor just via REST API. A documentation of the commend and how to do it is here:

After deleting it I paired the sensor again to the Zigbee mesh and restarted home assistant and deconz. Now everything is working again.

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