Xiaomi Mi Purifier 3H not working since update to version 0.15b3 / 0.116.0b1

Hi ,

I am using a XIaomi purifier 3H and a Roborock S6.
The roborock is unharmed.
But the entity of the purifier seems to be lost in the woods

Logger: homeassistant.components.xiaomi_miio.fan
Source: components/xiaomi_miio/fan.py:789
Integration: Xiaomi Miio (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:27:21 (14 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:34:11

Got exception while fetching the state: No response from the device

I tried to reset the device and created a new token. Which is accepted inside the integrations, because it does seem to connect. But it will not attach the entity Xiaomi Mi Purifier 3H anymore.

Is there anyone also having issues with the Xiaomi Miio integrations?

Yes having the same issue here. Roborock doing fine but 3H purifier entity is no longer existing even though I can see it in the config yaml and was working previously.

oh installed the latest Home assistant update and it is appearing now, hopefully it doesn’t drop off again.

I found the solution by entering the new token into the configuration.yaml

And it works again.

@linni123 thanks for your reply