Xiaomi mi wifi plug & air purifier

ok, can you tell me how to enable it using Xiaomi_miio.py on HA 0.55.
I tried creating new folder custom_components/switch/xiaomi_miio.py
and updated my configuration like this:

  • platform: switch.xiaomi_plug
    name: Drawing Socket
    token: 2de97e36acaea4a7b9bb0651f7ceb11a

but I am still not able to make it work.

With the release of HA 0.56 the custom component isnā€™t needed anymore. Just add the configuration (use xiaomi_miio instead of xiaomi_plug):

  platform: switch.xiaomi_miio
  name: Drawing Socket
  token: 2de97e36acaea4a7b9bb0651f7ceb11a

As long as HA 0.56 isnā€™t released just use the custom component (https://github.com/syssi/xiaomiplug):


  platform: switch.xiaomi_plug
  name: Drawing Socket
  token: 2de97e36acaea4a7b9bb0651f7ceb11a
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I have added custom component as xiaomi_plug.py but it is not discovering my switch.

  • platform: switch.xiaomi_plug
    name: Drawing Socket
    token: 2de97e36acaea4a7b9bb0651f7ceb11a
    Can you please help.

Thanks Syssi for the effort. Itā€™s been a great component to HASS.
A question to that, I have upgraded to 0.56.1 and the WIFI plug USB toggle has gone.
But if I change back to the custom component, the USB is back on again. Is this something missed to the xiaomi_miio on 0.56.1?

You are right. The Chuang Mi Plug V1 support isnā€™t merged yet. I assume it will be part of a future release:

cool, that explains now.
Will wait for the next releaseā€¦ switch back to custom_component for now.
Thank you!

Could you do me a favour? Just read this post:

and execute the mentioned command (may be inside of your python environment). Does the Chuang Mi Plug V1 return a temperature?

Hi syssi,

Sure, I am happy to help out that. But how can I run the mirobo? I am running on HASS on Mac mini.

Here is my outputā€¦

bash-3.2# mirobo
bash: mirobo: command not found

How did you install homeassistant? If you have installed it inside a virtualenv, you have to activate it (and itā€™s usually good idea to avoid using root like shown in your output). That command is only available in the same environment homeassistant is installed and run.

I installed by following it on https://home-assistant.io/docs/installation/macos/
I didnā€™t remember I have installed the mirobo before.
The way I use the xiaomi_plug is have the custom_component on the main directory.

Unfortunately I donā€™t know what does sudo py as shown in that video do. You will have to run the command in the same environment where you normally run ā€œhassā€ command for it to work.

Canā€™t get the powerstrip or any of my two air purifiers to work with dev branch. Getting the checksum error on start. Edit: fixed by removing and adding again in mi home.

Hey syssi,

I found, that we canā€™t set the favorite level of the Air Purifier 2, because the command to do so should read set_level_favorite instead of set_favorite_level.

Apparently you already know that. :slight_smile:

I tried changing the corresponding lines in xiaomi_airpurifier.py, but it doesnā€™t work. I guess, thatā€™s because the miio component hasnā€™t been updated yet?

Hereā€™s the changed xiaomi_airpurifier.py, in case it helps:

Edit: removed the code, because it doesnā€™t work after manually upgrading python-miio to 0.3.1

Edit2: Adding it back, because it might help someone who actually knows how to code:

Support for Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2.

For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation
import asyncio
from functools import partial
import logging
import os

import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity
from homeassistant.components.fan import (FanEntity, PLATFORM_SCHEMA,
                                          SUPPORT_SET_SPEED, )
from homeassistant.config import load_yaml_config_file
from homeassistant.const import (CONF_NAME, CONF_HOST, CONF_TOKEN,
                                 ATTR_ENTITY_ID, )
from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_NAME = 'Xiaomi Air Purifier'
PLATFORM = 'xiaomi_airpurifier'
DOMAIN = 'airpurifier'

    vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
    vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Length(min=32, max=32)),
    vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string,

REQUIREMENTS = ['python-miio>=0.3.0']

ATTR_TEMPERATURE = 'temperature'
ATTR_HUMIDITY = 'humidity'
ATTR_MODE = 'mode'
ATTR_FILTER_HOURS_USED = 'filter_hours_used'
ATTR_FILTER_LIFE = 'filter_life_remaining'
ATTR_FAVORITE_LEVEL = 'favorite_level'
ATTR_BUZZER = 'buzzer'
ATTR_CHILD_LOCK = 'child_lock'
ATTR_LED = 'led'
ATTR_LED_BRIGHTNESS = 'led_brightness'
ATTR_MOTOR_SPEED = 'motor_speed'
ATTR_USE_TIME = 'use_time'

ATTR_BRIGHTNESS = 'brightness'
ATTR_LEVEL = 'level'
ATTR_MODEL = 'model'

SUCCESS = ['ok']

SERVICE_SET_BUZZER_ON = 'set_buzzer_on'
SERVICE_SET_BUZZER_OFF = 'set_buzzer_off'
SERVICE_SET_LED_ON = 'set_led_on'
SERVICE_SET_LED_OFF = 'set_led_off'
SERVICE_SET_LEVEL_FAVORITE = 'set_level_favorite'
SERVICE_SET_LED_BRIGHTNESS = 'set_led_brightness'

    vol.Optional(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids,

        vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=0, max=2))

        vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=0, max=16))

    SERVICE_SET_BUZZER_ON: {'method': 'async_set_buzzer_on'},
    SERVICE_SET_BUZZER_OFF: {'method': 'async_set_buzzer_off'},
    SERVICE_SET_LED_ON: {'method': 'async_set_led_on'},
    SERVICE_SET_LED_OFF: {'method': 'async_set_led_off'},
        'method': 'async_set_level_favorite',
        'method': 'async_set_led_brightness',

# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_devices, discovery_info=None):
    """Set up the air purifier from config."""
    from miio import AirPurifier, DeviceException
    if PLATFORM not in hass.data:
        hass.data[PLATFORM] = {}

    host = config.get(CONF_HOST)
    name = config.get(CONF_NAME)
    token = config.get(CONF_TOKEN)

    _LOGGER.info("Initializing with host %s (token %s...)", host, token[:5])

        air_purifier = AirPurifier(host, token)
        device_info = air_purifier.info()
        _LOGGER.info("%s %s %s initialized",

        xiaomi_air_purifier = XiaomiAirPurifier(
            name, air_purifier, device_info)
        hass.data[PLATFORM][host] = xiaomi_air_purifier
    except DeviceException:
        raise PlatformNotReady

    async_add_devices([xiaomi_air_purifier], update_before_add=True)

    def async_service_handler(service):
        """Map services to methods on XiaomiAirPurifier."""
        method = SERVICE_TO_METHOD.get(service.service)
        params = {key: value for key, value in service.data.items()
                  if key != ATTR_ENTITY_ID}
        entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID)
        if entity_ids:
            target_air_purifiers = [air for air in hass.data[PLATFORM].values()
                                    if air.entity_id in entity_ids]
            target_air_purifiers = hass.data[PLATFORM].values()

        update_tasks = []
        for air_purifier in target_air_purifiers:
            yield from getattr(air_purifier, method['method'])(**params)

        if update_tasks:
            yield from asyncio.wait(update_tasks, loop=hass.loop)

    descriptions = yield from hass.async_add_job(
        load_yaml_config_file, os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(__file__), 'xiaomi_airpurifier_services.yaml'))

    for air_purifier_service in SERVICE_TO_METHOD:
        schema = SERVICE_TO_METHOD[air_purifier_service].get(
            'schema', AIRPURIFIER_SERVICE_SCHEMA)
            DOMAIN, air_purifier_service, async_service_handler,
            description=descriptions.get(air_purifier_service), schema=schema)

class XiaomiAirPurifier(FanEntity):
    """Representation of a Xiaomi Air Purifier."""

    def __init__(self, name, air_purifier, device_info):
        """Initialize the air purifier."""
        self._name = name
        self._device_info = device_info

        self._air_purifier = air_purifier
        self._state = None
        self._state_attrs = {
            ATTR_AIR_QUALITY_INDEX: None,
            ATTR_TEMPERATURE: None,
            ATTR_HUMIDITY: None,
            ATTR_MODE: None,
            ATTR_FILTER_HOURS_USED: None,
            ATTR_FILTER_LIFE: None,
            ATTR_FAVORITE_LEVEL: None,
            ATTR_BUZZER: None,
            ATTR_CHILD_LOCK: None,
            ATTR_LED: None,
            ATTR_LED_BRIGHTNESS: None,
            ATTR_USE_TIME: None,
            ATTR_MOTOR_SPEED: None,
            ATTR_MODEL: self._device_info.model,

    def supported_features(self):
        """Flag supported features."""
        return SUPPORT_SET_SPEED

    def should_poll(self):
        """Poll the fan."""
        return True

    def name(self):
        """Return the name of the device if any."""
        return self._name

    def available(self):
        """Return true when state is known."""
        return self._state is not None

    def device_state_attributes(self):
        """Return the state attributes of the device."""
        return self._state_attrs

    def is_on(self):
        """Return true if fan is on."""
        return self._state

    def _try_command(self, mask_error, func, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call a air purifier command handling error messages."""
        from miio import DeviceException
            result = yield from self.hass.async_add_job(
                partial(func, *args, **kwargs))

            _LOGGER.debug("Response received from air purifier: %s", result)

            return result == SUCCESS
        except DeviceException as exc:
            _LOGGER.error(mask_error, exc)
            return False

    def async_turn_on(self: ToggleEntity, speed: str=None, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Turn the fan on."""
        if speed:
            # If operation mode was set the device must not be turned on.
            yield from self.async_set_speed(speed)

        yield from self._try_command(
            "Turning the air purifier on failed.", self._air_purifier.on)

    def async_turn_off(self: ToggleEntity, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Turn the fan off."""
        yield from self._try_command(
            "Turning the air purifier off failed.", self._air_purifier.off)

    def async_update(self):
        """Fetch state from the device."""
        from miio import DeviceException

            state = yield from self.hass.async_add_job(
            _LOGGER.debug("Got new state: %s", state)

            self._state = state.is_on
                ATTR_AIR_QUALITY_INDEX: state.aqi,
                ATTR_TEMPERATURE: state.temperature,
                ATTR_HUMIDITY: state.humidity,
                ATTR_MODE: state.mode.value,
                ATTR_FILTER_HOURS_USED: state.filter_hours_used,
                ATTR_FILTER_LIFE: state.filter_life_remaining,
                ATTR_FAVORITE_LEVEL: state.favorite_level,
                ATTR_BUZZER: state.buzzer,
                ATTR_CHILD_LOCK: state.child_lock,
                ATTR_LED: state.led,
                ATTR_LED_BRIGHTNESS: state.led_brightness,
                ATTR_USE_TIME: state.use_time,
                ATTR_MOTOR_SPEED: state.motor_speed,

            if state.led_brightness:
                    ATTR_LED_BRIGHTNESS] = state.led_brightness.value
                    ATTR_LED_BRIGHTNESS] = 0

        except DeviceException as ex:
            _LOGGER.error("Got exception while fetching the state: %s", ex)

    def speed_list(self: ToggleEntity) -> list:
        """Get the list of available speeds."""
        from miio.airpurifier import OperationMode
        return [mode.name for mode in OperationMode]

    def speed(self):
        """Return the current speed."""
        if self._state:
            from miio.airpurifier import OperationMode

            return OperationMode(self._state_attrs[ATTR_MODE]).name

        return None

    def async_set_speed(self: ToggleEntity, speed: str) -> None:
        """Set the speed of the fan."""
        _LOGGER.debug("Setting the operation mode to: " + speed)
        from miio.airpurifier import OperationMode

        yield from self._try_command(
            "Setting operation mode of the air purifier failed.",
            self._air_purifier.set_mode, OperationMode[speed])

    def async_set_buzzer_on(self):
        """Turn the buzzer on."""
        yield from self._try_command(
            "Turning the buzzer of air purifier on failed.",
            self._air_purifier.set_buzzer, True)

    def async_set_buzzer_off(self):
        """Turn the buzzer on."""
        yield from self._try_command(
            "Turning the buzzer of air purifier off failed.",
            self._air_purifier.set_buzzer, False)

    def async_set_led_on(self):
        """Turn the led on."""
        yield from self._try_command(
            "Turning the led of air purifier off failed.",
            self._air_purifier.set_led, True)

    def async_set_led_off(self):
        """Turn the led off."""
        yield from self._try_command(
            "Turning the led of air purifier off failed.",
            self._air_purifier.set_led, False)

    def async_set_led_brightness(self, brightness: int=2):
        """Set the led brightness."""
        from miio.airpurifier import LedBrightness

        yield from self._try_command(
            "Setting the led brightness of the air purifier failed.",
            self._air_purifier.set_led_brightness, LedBrightness(brightness))

    def async_set_level_favorite(self, level: int=1):
        """Set the favorite level."""
        yield from self._try_command(
            "Setting the favorite level of the air purifier failed.",
            self._air_purifier.set_level_favorite, level)

hey. sorry for the delayed reply. just remembered that i forgot to answer your question. Dont know if you still need it.

I get a value of 46 for the temp.

edit : usb switch is missing. i assume the next release will have it?

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Yes. The feature is part of the next release.

Hey syssi, thanks for the great work integrating Air Purifier support into 0.5.7!

Iā€™ve been trying for days to fix the set_favorite_level / set_level_favorite myself, but I just donā€™t understand Python enough to achieve anything. Do you plan on updating this in the next release, too?
BTW: Judging from your Github, we live in the same town. :slight_smile:
Iā€™m trying to adjust the Air Purifier, so it switches to a higher favorite level, when the air is especially bad. Iā€™m having aqi values of 50+ in my flat and the Air Purifier doesnā€™t consider this as unhealthy, while I do.

Edit: I finally managed to create an input slider.

    name: Xiaomi Air Purifier Favorite Level
    initial: 5
    min: 1
    max: 16
    step: 1

  set_xiaomi_fav_speed:  miio --control --method set_level_favorite --params '[{{ states.input_number.xiaomi_fav_speed.state }}]'

  - id: xiaomi_fav_speed
      platform: state
      entity_id: input_number.xiaomi_fav_speed
      service: shell_command.set_xiaomi_fav_speed
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We found a way to retrieve the proper load power from the Xiaomi PowerStrip matching the value in the MiHome app. @ec-blaster @hangy

I assume the fix will be part of HA 0.59: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/10720

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to try it now i need to update python-miio from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2?


works perfect nowā€¦ thanks a lot

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Thanks, Iā€™ll try it

Has the ā€˜miioā€™ command been replaced by ā€˜miroboā€™ for the Air Purifier 2?