Xiaomi Mijia ZHA not detecting battery level

A while ago I got a Xiaomi Mijia Light Sensor, and it worked well for me, so I eventually ordered 2 more. Before I got them, I updated to the current version of HA (2020.12.7), as well as migrated HA to a new RPi.

When I tried to add them, ZHA found the illuminance entity, but not the battery entity, which my previous sensor had.

In ZHA I see the new sensors listed as Xiaomi, while the previous sensor’s manufacturer was listed as lumi. The model for both is lumi.sen_ill.mgl01

Under the zigbee info for the new ones it says “Power Source: Mains” which is obviously incorrect!
Here are the zigbee details of the good and bad ones

Any thoughts?

Hey Steve,

I can confirm your findings, no battery level here either, the difference is the class the device is assigned to…

Regards Frank