Xiaomi Motion Sensor 2 not binding Gateway 3

There’s not alot of discussion about the xiaomi mi body sensor 2 so I thought I would post this to help build up some discussion/content.

I have around 15 xiaomi zigbee motion sensor 1 around the house and outside hooked up to xiaomi gateway 2 which have been happily serving me reliably for a couple of years now.

Recently I decided to buy another xiaomi body sensor to place inside the front doorway so I could tell when someone is in that area and turn on the light there to help assist.

Without giving it much thought I bought the sensor and it arrived but didn’t realise xiaomi had made the motion sensor 2 bluetooth and not zigbee.

Long story short I bought gateway 3 and it won’t bind to gateway 3.

  • When I put in pairing mode it shows on my phones general bluetooth devices as available for pairing so it is in pairing mode and sharing it with the world. My phone can see it!
  • I have paired a MI bluetooth temp sensor ok with the hub 3 so I know the hub’s bluetooth is working.
  • When I try to add the motion sensor to in the Xiaomi App it just never gets discovered I must have tried 20+ times over the last week with battery out and in trying to create different scenarios.

you don’t pair ble sensor with hub, you pair with with your account and all ble hubs in range can use it. probably region issue. in official app you can pair this sensor only on chinese region.

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Great work! It’s connected now I changed the gateway over to China.

I always thought the gateway was the one that was region locked and the sensors were regionally universal and as I this gateway was unlocked I could just use it under Australia and connect over all my sensors which have been under China with my old Gateway 2.