Xiaomi sensors show up but don't update on new VM Hass.io instance

I have an old Hassbian version of Home Assistant running that has all my Xiaomi devices connected and running. The motion/door/etc sensors all seem to work fine.

I recently started creating a VM version of Hass.io in VirtualBox using the vmdk provided on the website.

When I went to add my Xiaomi devices I added the entry into my configuration.yaml file and restarted. All my devices showed up! Yay. But I quickly noticed that none of them were updating. No matter what Iā€™ve tried I canā€™t seem to get them to update. In the Mi Home ios app the sensors work fine and update the app.

Things Iā€™ve tried:

  • Shutdown/unplug old Hassbian server so it wasnā€™t interfering
  • Restarted all components (Hass.io, unplugged Xiaomi Gateway)
  • Tried entering the host ip aswell as mac and key, also just key
  • Tried regenerating a new key in the Mi Home app under the gateway settings


  • Iā€™m using virtualbox and the network mode is set to bridged and allow all

If anyone has any other ideas of what could be going wrong Iā€™d appreciate the help!

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Does anybody have any thoughts? Thank! :worried:

Bumping your thread after 12 hours is a bit quick.

What does your ha log say?

I think we have the same problem: Binary sensor problem
I find similar chat about it on the zigbee2mqtt github but no solution yet. Anyone else can confirm or help? A big part of my automation is based on working sensors :laughing:

Edit: seeing that youā€™re using the xiaomi hub makes me think that itā€™s a home assistant problem and not a zigbee2mqtt problemā€¦

Later today Iā€™ll try rolling back to an older hass and report back here.

How could you possibly say that when neither of you have posted logs.

So I cleared my home-assistant.log file and hit clear under the ā€œiā€ log display on the UI. Then did a restart of HASS. Nothing showed up in the logs. No entries at all. Everything else works, and the Xiaomi sensors show up at the top, but when I trigger a door sensor or motion sensor (or any other sensor) nothing is updated. However my Hassbian instance is running on my Pi in parallel right now and gets the updates no problem.

If there is nothing showing at all in your log you have bigger problems.

Actually we would prefer the full log posted to hastebin or similar.

So I restarted/reset the VirtualBox Hass.io VM and let it start up. My Hue showed up, my Xiaomi sensors, broadlink switches, etc, etc. I went to the ā€œiā€ and hit refresh and went to home-assistant.log via configurator and hit refresh. The only thing in the logs was this:
2019-01-06 00:23:16 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=51 from 2019-01-06 07:16:31.490527)

Should I try removing all components except the xiaomi gateway to try and isolate whether something else is causing it?

Could this be a firewall type issue (with it being in the VM)? Maybe the host machine isnā€™t letting the incoming sensor data come through the firewall?

BTW, Thanks for taking the time to try and help! I really appreciate it.

I just found this: Xiaomi integration and multicast problem

He mentions running HA in a Virtualbox and that his sensors show up but donā€™t work. Anyone else have a solution to this problem? It seems that he thought that VirtualBox was blocking the multicast messages.

I didnā€™t post logs because like grifter7 there doesnā€™t seem to be any related activity in the logs (both hass and - in my case - the zigbee2mqtt logs). Sorry for not mentioning that. Iā€™ve cleaned up my configuration.yaml because there were some other unrelated errors (asus device tracker, telegram notify stuff) so you can have a better look at my logs. I hope you see something that we are missing.

zigbee2mqtt log (note that I rebooted hass.io and then rebooted my broker): https://hastebin.com/ewosujizik.makefile
Mosquitto broker log: https://hastebin.com/iyefahewiy.sql
Hass log: https://hastebin.com/qulabirisa.coffeescript

at the moment Iā€™ve synced 2 binary sensors (xiaomi aqara) that donā€™t update. The Tradfri lamps work without any problems. Thereā€™s no other zigbee devices connected.

Iā€™m using virtualbox without any issue, however I did not use the vmdk. Might be worth the effort of installing it manually.

Oh ok. Maybe I can try that. Are you able to provide and simple steps to do that? Did you just follow the ā€œGeneric linux serverā€ install instructions on this page: https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/ ?

I actually do not use HASSio but HA in docker;

I also came across this: https://community.openhab.org/t/xiaomi-mi-gateway-no-sensor-updates-muticast-issue/37256
And this: https://community.openhab.org/t/xiaomi-problem-with-sensors/31390/11

Both of which sound very much like what Iā€™m experiencing.

Yes, it seems like a network/multicast issue but in HASSio you do not have any control of that so Iā€™m not using it. As you do not experience any issues with your other setup I do not expect it to be a problem related to your router

Iā€™d like to troubleshoot this further with my limited knwledge by downgrading. Now downgrading hass.io is not difficult for me (install older version on my rpi, boot et voila). However I donā€™t know how to install an older version of the add-on zigbee2mqtt. Canā€™t find information on the forums on that. Only suggestions I can find is to use snapshots but I dont have those. atm I only backup my configuration.yaml
So: how do I install an older version of an add-on?

Please stop hacking this thread, this isnā€™t about zigbee2mqtt.

Did you have any luck?
Iā€™m also trying to migrate from RPi3 to VBox on Win10. Using HASSio.
Runing Wireshark on another computer I can see the Xiaomi responding with multicast to the 10 disocevery messages and that is all I get from it.