Hi. I’m thinking on buying a smart doorbell, and I was checking the new Xiaomi Doorbell. Is there any way to connect it to Home Assistant? At least to take screenshots or videos when detecting any movement.
There are some ways to integrate but as far as I could find none of them are really useful in a way that one would expect. I have tried using “MIoT” and “Miot Auto” HACS based integrations (these were the only ones that actually were able to detect the device) and none will provide live feed of the camera or the recorded video. The only useful sensor I could see is the battery level, but if you already use a Xiaomi smart mains plug for triggering the charge for the device than it might not be so relevant. The camera feed only shows the first frame when motion was detected, that’s all you can squeeze out of it right now.
Xiaomi MIoT: GitHub - ha0y/xiaomi_miot_raw: All-in-one & Easy-to-use. Integrate all your Xiaomi Smart Home - with a single integration and NO YAML files - into Home Assistant.
Xiaomi Miot Auto: GitHub - al-one/hass-xiaomi-miot: Automatic integrate all Xiaomi devices to HomeAssistant via miot-spec, support Wi-Fi, BLE, ZigBee devices. 小米米家智能家居设备接入Hass集成
Checking in the logs I could find these entries below among the constant notifications that the device is offline despite having it on LAN or Cloud connection. Even pressed the ring button which wakes the camera, but still. The doorbell camera is configured for realtime view. Preloading the video feed in Home Assistant also did not help.
2023-01-31 20:05:11.087 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.xiaomi_miot.camera] maindoor-doorbell(madv.cateye.mowl3g): Got MiioException while fetching the state: No response from the device, mapping: {'video_doorbell.status': {'siid': 2, 'piid': 2}, 'video_doorbell.night_shot': {'siid': 2, 'piid': 3}, 'video_doorbell.eco': {'siid': 2, 'piid': 6}, 'video_doorbell.ringtone': {'siid': 2, 'piid': 7}, 'motionpush_pushtype-10-7': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 7}, 'madv_doorbell.videodelay': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 11}, 'madv_doorbell.videolength': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 12}, 'madv_doorbell.autoreply': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 13}, 'madv_doorbell.autoreply_week': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 14}, 'madv_doorbell.autoreply_time': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 15}, 'madv_doorbell.autoreply_item': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 16}, 'madv_doorbell.ringer_time': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 18}, 'madv_doorbell.fw_autoupgrade': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 19}, 'madv_doorbell.eco_code': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 36}, 'madv_doorbell.motion_time': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 38}, 'madv_doorbell.test_spec': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 39}, 'madv_doorbell.ringer_music': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 52}, 'madv_doorbell.vistpush': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 53}, 'madv_doorbell.motionpush': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 54}, 'madv_doorbell.motion_detection': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 55}, 'madv_doorbell.timezone': {'siid': 10, 'piid': 57}, 'speaker.volume': {'siid': 12, 'piid': 1}, 'indicator_light.on': {'siid': 11, 'piid': 1}, 'battery_level': {'siid': 8, 'piid': 1}, 'alarm': {'siid': 7, 'piid': 1}, 'motion_detection.alarm_interval': {'siid': 4, 'piid': 2}, 'detection_sensitivity-4-3': {'siid': 4, 'piid': 3}, 'motion_detection': {'siid': 4, 'piid': 4}}, max_properties: 10/28
Attached screenshot of all the features available in HA.
Found that with “Miot Auto” (HACS) integration at least the battery level can be monitored and charging the device can be automated in a better way in comparison with Xiaomi Home app, like turn on charge at 30% and stop charging at 80% which helps keeping the battery in good shape.
Article related to main thread: Video stream does't work for Xiaomi Smart doorbell 3 · Issue #803 · al-one/hass-xiaomi-miot · GitHub