Xiaomi temperature sensor and Alexa

I’m trying to as Alexa for temperature of my xiaomi sensor with the following Node-Red Scheme but Alexa tells me that cannot reach “salon”. “salon” is the devide name for that sensor according to “Alexa node red bridge skill” https://alexa-node-red.bm.hardill.me.uk/
Any suggestions? Whan I ask Alexa, temperature sensor responds as i can see in the debug file, but Alexa “cannot” reach it:
sensor.temperature_158d000239ab2f : msg.payload : string[4]

I didnt know about this skill, looks quite useful. You need to craft the response and send it in a format to alexa. Read the docs for the skill


It would look something like this

the response in Fn node:

msg.extra = {
"temperatureReading": {
    "value": msg.payload
    "applianceResponseTimestamp": new Date().toISOString() 
msg.payload = true;
return msg;
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Thanks, it worked!

Hi there,

I know it’s been quite some time, but I was trying to do the same thing and am struggling to get my head around it at the moment! :slight_smile:

I’ve got the following flows setup at the moment:

Taking the Fn code from above as well.

Questions I have are:

  1. Do I need the Switch? If so - how do I configure it?

  2. Have connected the “Alexa node red bridge skill” correctly, and I think I have set that up right for the temperature and humidity sensors but I’m not sure. Would love to learn how you configured these.

  3. How do I configure the current state node?

  4. I have had Alexa discover devices and the two devices are showing up correctly in the Alexa App on my phone. What do I ask Alexa to trigger these flows? Currently asking “Alexa what is the Bedroom Humidity” results in a “Bedroom does not support this feature”. I don’t have a device in the list called “Bedroom” so not sure what is happening here…might be something else to look into.

Having typed all that I realise what I’m asking for is a literal tutorial - but I haven’t been able to find anything that walked me through this process.

Thanks a ton!