Hi, would really appreciate your help on the home automation issue. I’ve been watching many videos\read some manuals and still cannot figure this out. Sorry for the long description of the problem, I’m afraid I will miss some important part.
I’m trying to integrate Xiaomi smart home and google home speaker. I’ve started with the vacuum cleaner. This is what I did:
- I’ve installed the Home Assistant (HASSIO?) Home Assistant 0.65.5.
- I’ve created duckdns account, forwarded the external ports to internal ones, I can login to my duck dns from another network (4G from my phone), however not from the same wi fi network where all my devices.
- I’ve xiaomi vacuum cleaner to the config file. I can control it (on\off) via the HA dashboard.
- I’ve added to the yaml file the ifft key in the following format: IFFTT key: https://maker.ifttt.com/use/cq4LfP2i0msXXXXXXXXXXg
- IFTTT account is created and new applet is as well. When I say the command Ifft responds with the words that I entered, however, nothing happens.
I thought this is because I don’t have the SSL certificate set on, and ifftt needs https to operate? I’ve also tried to set it up, but couldn’t, I would get some error messages.
Or it should work without it? I’ve tried using ifft without the port number, or indicate my local IP, nothing works. When I add this line in to the browser (from another network) it says Method is not allowed 405 error.
Thank you in advance!!