Hi all, I installed a few Xiaomi wired wall switches (https://www.gearbest.com/alarm-systems/pp_625774.html?wid=1433363) around my house to turn several dumb fixed lights into smart ones. This has worked great and I can control these lights through Home Assistant (it shows up as [switch.wall_switch_158d***************])
I discovered that there is an option in the Mi Home app to use the wall switch as a button, instead of toggling the room light, the light is still controllable through automations and in the app but the button can then be used to control anything in the Mi Home ecosystem. I would like to explore this further in Home assistant. However after enabling this option in MiHome nothing changes in Home Assistant. I can still control the light as usual but no input device appears
Does anybody know of a way to make this happen? Any help is greatly appreciated!