Yamaha component no longer discovers zone 2 after updating to 0.63

Has this happened to anyone else? Just updated today and I noticed zone_2 is no longer seen via:

  - platform: yamaha


2018-02-12 22:18:06 INFO (SyncWorker_10) [homeassistant.components.media_player.yamaha] Receivers: [<RXV model_name="RX-V677" zone="Main_Zone" ctrl_url="" at 0x73358df0>, <RXV model_name="RX-V677" zone="Zone_2" ctrl_url="" at 0x744a8e70>]

The response looks correct, so the zone is there. But HA no longer creates the state object.

I’m also getting this in the log twice:

018-02-12 22:18:06 DEBUG (SyncWorker_10) [homeassistant.components.media_player.yamaha] Ignoring duplicate receiver Yamaha RX-V677`Preformatted text

I’m also able to connect to and use zone 2 through the web interface.

Ok, I just followed the path and I’m pretty sure the removal of the unique_id property in yamaha.py is causing this bug. How do I report this to get it fixed? How can I add the property back for my own use in my installation of Hassio? If this wasn’t hassio, I would know how to do it…

It’s pretty clear that the discovery is finding both recievers because of this line in yamaha.py:

 receivers = rxv.RXV(
            ctrl_url, model_name=model, friendly_name=name,
        _LOGGER.info("Receivers: %s", receivers)

And my log is:

Receivers: [<RXV model_name="RX-V677" zone="Main_Zone" ctrl_url="" at 0x73358df0>, <RXV model_name="RX-V677" zone="Zone_2" ctrl_url="" at 0x744a8e70>]

It’s also clear that when iterating the receviers, it thinks its filtering out duplicates but it’s really filtering the second zone. Directly after creating the receivers is this:

for receiver in receivers:
    if receiver.zone in zone_ignore:

    device = YamahaDevice(name, receiver, source_ignore,
                          source_names, zone_names)

    # Only add device if it's not already added
    if device.unique_id not in hass.data[DATA_YAMAHA]:
        hass.data[DATA_YAMAHA][device.unique_id] = device
        _LOGGER.debug('Ignoring duplicate receiver %s', name)

The unique id’s for both receivers are the same, here’s the proof:

[homeassistant.components.media_player.yamaha] Ignoring duplicate receiver Yamaha Receiver

On Jan 30th, @balloob and @pvizeli removed the unique_id that helps distinguish between the main zone and zone 2. This is pulled from the change log on 1/30/2018, the minus signs indicate it was removed:

 self._name = name
 self._zone = receiver.zone
-    @property
-    def unique_id(self):
-        """Return an unique ID."""
-        return '{0}:{1}'.format(self.receiver.ctrl_url, self._zone)
 def update(self):
 """Get the latest details from the device."""
 self._play_status = self.receiver.play_status()

With the old unique_id, the name for the two recievers would have been Yamaha Receiver:Main_Zone and Yamaha Receiver:Zone_2, now they both come in as Yamaha Receiver.

Update for anyone that is interested. This indeed was a bug. The fix was added to the 0.63.2 milestone. You can view the fix here:


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