I have two door sensors connected to NodeMCU that I compile correctly and I can see the result on the COM when the door is open and close. Now I am trying to configure my YAML file.
I use mosquito MQTT on HassIO. to communicate with Node MCU, I set up the MQTT on the IDE file and compiles with no error. then I added this 2 line on on IDE
#define BUTTON_PIN_topic "door1Status/diningRoom"
#define BUTTON2_PIN_topic "door2Status/diningRoom"
and then configured my YAML with this:
- platform: yr
- platform: mqtt
name: "Dining Room "
state_topic: "door1Status/diningRoom"
- platform: mqtt
name: "Dining Room "
state_topic: "door2Status/diningRoom"
I don’t see the results on my HA, does anybody have a clue?