Yaml error

I have two door sensors connected to NodeMCU that I compile correctly and I can see the result on the COM when the door is open and close. Now I am trying to configure my YAML file.
I use mosquito MQTT on HassIO. to communicate with Node MCU, I set up the MQTT on the IDE file and compiles with no error. then I added this 2 line on on IDE

 #define BUTTON_PIN_topic "door1Status/diningRoom"
#define BUTTON2_PIN_topic "door2Status/diningRoom"

and then configured my YAML with this:

  - platform: yr
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Dining Room "
    state_topic: "door1Status/diningRoom"  
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Dining Room "
    state_topic: "door2Status/diningRoom" 

I don’t see the results on my HA, does anybody have a clue?

What does your log show?

Nothing about that. The only thing I notice is at the home screen it says can’t log in to Which is the IP on the NodeMCU. But I already used node MCU to connect with the same credentials to MQTT using a switch.

I should at least see the sensors topic on HA status when I update the configuration file, correct?

Both of them are named the same thing? That won’t work.

Why would it be trying to login to the NodeMCU? Everything should be pointing at your MQTT broker. You wouldn’t point anything to your NodeMCU