Not exactly sure what i’m doing wrong but i’m getting the following error, from the following chunk of yaml. Anyhelp would be appreciated.
homeassistant | 2023-10-13 09:43:06.856 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.attributes.sensor] Could not attribute sensor for climate.nest_3rd: TemplateSyntaxError: expected token 'end of print statement', got '{'
- platform: attributes
friendly_name: "eco mode"
attribute: preset_mode
- climate.nest_3rd
value_template: >-
{% if value in ['eco'] %} True
{% else %} False
{% endif %}
What is that supposed to be exactly?.. A trigger? A sensor?
Tell us what you’re trying to do.
Attributes is not a core sensor platform.
Are you using a custom sensor integration? If so, post a link to it’s repo.
The template syntax used by pilotak’s homeassistant-attributes custom integration is weird…
Based on some of the issues and comments in the repo, it might need to be something like:
- platform: attributes
friendly_name: "eco mode"
attribute: preset_mode
- climate.nest_3rd
value_template: "== 'eco' "
Unless you have a bunch of thermostats, you’d be better off using template binary sensors. They are better documented and they have a much larger user base, so more people would be in a position to offer help if needed.
I was able to play around with this a bit, and the syntax shown above does work (I don’t use preset_mode
, so I tested it with hvac_action
). Make sure to do an actual restart after editing your sensor configuration, just reloading the yaml config was not sufficient during my tests.
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