I have 3 Yeelights lamps integrated to HA which are not always turned on. (their switch is not smart)
I usually use them to change their color and no so often. Since 0.116 update I see in the logs the following. If I turn them on and HA communicate with them is stops to try to find them. However this happens in every restart so it is not easy to control it.
Can I avoid this somehow or I should better remove them from HA?
Logger: homeassistant.components.yeelight
Source: components/yeelight/__init__.py:261
Integration: Yeelight (documentation, issues)
First occurred: October 19, 2020, 6:40:31 PM (1972 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:02:44 PM
Failed to get capabilities from
The title âAny workaround for this?â, is not going to attract the right people to answer it.
You need to include at least âYeelightâ to get people who know something about it.
Iâm not sure what your question is, so are you trying to figure out how the bulb can stay active in HA? or are you stating that there is an error if you try to power up when the lamp switch is off? I have a yeelight in HA and when the lamp switch is on the entity and its controls work fine but I have had no issues with it if I try to turn it on in HA when the lamp switch is off, the next time the lamp switch is on the bulb is available again. The workaround to keeping it active would be a smart plug most have a switch on the physical plug so it would still be able to be turned on without going through HA
Thatâs my problem. I have issues when the switch of the lamp is off. I just wondering is it only me that have this problem. I have 2 Yeelight color lamp and 1 Yeelight ceiling lamp. If someone turn off the switch, HA keeps looking for them every 5 sec. Is that normal?
I also have 2 bedside lamps which are working fine. I am trying to find a solution how to stop HA from keep searching for them.
Well I would think so its an entity in HA that you integrated and when you cut the power it can no longer communicate with it, it would be the same for almost any integration that becomes unreachable via MQTT, WiFi, Bluetooth and so on, get yourself a smart plug they work great relatively cheap I personally use Sonoff S31 Wi-Fi Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring I like tasmota so I flash all my devices that can be with it
I have the same scenario as you, I have one single yeelight lamp in the bedroom that is off most of the time. I tried some workarounds, like manually setting the model and nothing worked.
Since this integration updated I have the same issues in my log, but that only happens when HA is restarted. If you restart while the light is on, even if you turn if off later youâll get no error in the logs.
Itâs not a big bother here since I rarely restart, but if thatâs a problem I think the best way is to open an issue on github.
Hi, thanks for your feedback. At least I know now that is not something regarding my setup. The problem is that I cannot open an issue in github since my installation method considered as unsupported.
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You are running an unsupported installation.
Any entity that you have added to HA will show log errors if it is not discoverable. HA will continue to attempt to communicate with it until it is powered back on.
You were asking about a work-around - I just never turn off my Yeelights at the wall: instead I have put the stick-on dimmer switches next to the wallplate for ceiling lights and people just use that. (Initially I put them over the wall switch so that you had to use them, but everyone adjusted pretty quickly).
Iâve found them great, and have two for some rooms - an additional one next to my bed in the bedroom and the couch in the lounge. I have voice integration too, but sometimes switches are just easier and better