I’m running the latest beta 0.113.0b3 I’m not entirely sure when it happend if it was on a 0.112.x build or if it’s since going to 0.113.x but none of my yeelights are available from home assistant any more. I can still control them with the yeelight app, but not through HA. All bulbs/stips are on latest firmware and have LAN mode enabled. They have been working perfectly for ages, just all of a sudden it seems to have stopped.
I have them on a different VLAN controlled through my UDM pro, but I resolved the issue mDns issue a while ago and its all been working nicely and I haven’t touched my network since.
Mine are ignored in Discovery but have also stopped working with automations since 0.113.
I can manually turn them on and off within HA, but Node Red automations do not activate them. The automation seems to be working correctly, just the bulbs not turning on or off.
I’ll try this, but I’ve had issues in the past with manual config, and it is much nicer that devices are just discovered. There definitely seems to be something breaking discovery in 0.113.0 though.
OK so I’ve set all my yeelights to have fixed IP’s and registered them manually and they work. So this seems like some issue with the discovery since 0.113.0.
I originally used manual config and then switched to discovery when it was available but many releases ago discovery sopped working so I switched to manual config again and have not touched it since.
Yes you need to reserve the IP address in your router for the light.
I’d prefer to use discovery but manual works fine. I don’t know if there was any change in 0.113.x… I suspect not. These lights seem to be a bit unpredictable.