Z-Stick with Raspberry Pi & Bluetooth Temperature Sensors

New install using the HA OS on a Raspberry Pi 3 plus.
I set up the Govee temperature and humidity sensors using ble_monitor first - everything worked fine.

I have some z-wave switches, so I went to set up a Z-Stick Plus Gen 5 ZW090-A reading the instructions first. The instructions from Aeotec says that I need to disable the on-board Bluetooth since the board requires the use of the hardware UART (and there’s only one on the Pi3) - so I stopped at that point.

It is looking like I can’t use my temperature sensors and my Z-Stick on a Rpi-3. Am I SOL, or am I misreading this here?

The Z-Stick is a USB device and plugs into the RPi USB ports, it doesn’t use the hardware UART. There shouldn’t be any conflict.

What instructions where you looking at? Aeotec has a Z-Pi 7, which is not USB.

Was looking at these instructions:


Disabling bluetooth is for the Razberry.

Shows you what a noob I am - thought it was a misspelling!

Thanks for your help.