I have a Z-Net Z-wave controller from HomeSeer that is currently in use by HomeSeer’s HS3 software. If I shutdown HS3 and create the appropriate device/connector in HASS can I add the controller and devices already imported into it in Home Assistant? I realize all the devices may not be recognized, but is there a good reason to Exclude/Import devices into the same controller?
It seems from other threads here that people are successfully using the Z-net as a Z-wave controller in Home Assistant, so that hurdle isn’t an issue, and I’ve seen instructions on how to add the ser2net configuration to correctly connect the device.
Have any other HomeSeer converts given this a try?
Thanks for bringing up the encryption key, I do have that, converted to the format HA wants. I’ll check the database on my devices. Does that fact that a device is listed in the database mean it’s supported?
Well, I’ve learned a lot about HASS OS and Home Assistant over the last couple of days.
I was able to create a link to /dev/ttyS0 with socat to my existing Z-Net Controller, and add it to Z-Wave JS in Home Assistant after disconnecting it from HS3. HA spent about 15-20 minutes interrogating my existing nodes that made me sweat, but in the end I think it’s all OK. It imported all the devices, some good, some not. I’ll sort through and see what is what. I suspect the devices that are unknown are battery powered and just haven’t woken up yet. This was just as test run so I shutdown Z-Wave JS and went back to HS3. I had to restart HS3 to get Z-Wave back, but it seems to be fine. The Z-Wave controller seemed to be recognized and used just fine as an EZZee by Express Controls, which is the correct device. At this point I don’t think I’ll have to exclude/include devices to change software. More research to come!
Hi I’m also on the journey from HS3 & 4 to HA… I have one of my Z-Net controllers configured in zwavejs2mqtt and most devices have populated and now show up in HA. I got the main z-wave network key from the Z-Wave.ini on Homeseer, I just had to add a missing leading zero from one of the hex pairs. The S2 keys appear to be there in the same ini file (I assume KeyS2un=Unauthenticated, KeyS2au=Authenticated, KeyS2ac=Access Control) ; but I’m not sure how to convert them they are 70 characters long, all have the same prefix HSENC2.
Representative samples but not actual values codes below;
Hi, Did you manage to convert S2 keys after? I’m having same issue from HS4 plugin. Mine are same format and want to convert to the 32 character format for HA. update I got it! Now in HS4 plugin has a button I didnt see called ‘Show Encryption Keys’ !