Z-Wave and the Razberry2 Board on HASS.IO

Hello, everyone,

I’ve already read some things that others with Z-Wave in combination with “HASS.IO” have trouble installing! ->OK

I have read the hint -> https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/controllers/ !

and the -> Razberry Board

You need to disable the on-board Bluetooth since the board requires the use of the hardware UART (and there’s only one on the Pi3). You do this by following the instructions in the -> device specific page

the first line is okay and done. -> dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt

but the second expansion doesn’t work. -> $ sudo systemctl disable hciuart Error: unknown command „sudo“ for „hassio-cli“
Regards Jürgen


thanks for this tip->>>https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/issues/125
Great tip @pvizeli !!! Needs to be documented - cost me two hours the other day that little trick…

Important: Only use the 32 bit version!