Z-Wave climat does not appear im HomeAssistant

I run a :

  • climate.eurotronic_eur_cometz_wall_radiator_thermostat_valve_control_comfort_setpoint_5_1
    • climate.eurotronic_eur_cometz_wall_radiator_thermostat_valve_control_energy_saving_setpoint_5_11
    • climate.eurotronic_eur_cometz_wall_radiator_thermostat_valve_control_furnace_5_7
      and can see that in the OpenZWave Control Panel, can control it, but seams not to be part of Home Assistant. No Sensor or service available here.
      I run:
      Home Assistant release (hass --version):
      Python release (python3 --version):
      Python 3.4.2
      Raspberry PI all in one installation
      z-Wave Compomnent:
      USB Stick: Aeotec USB Z-Stick S2 Adapter /Regler DSA02203-ZWEU - Z-Wave Plus
      Z-Wave device: Euronic Comet Z-wave

Can anybody help? Any recommandations?