Z-Wave configuration not possible

Hi there

I´m trying to setup OpenZwave on my Raspberry Pi 3b. However when trying to configure the integration I get the following error message even if I entered all necessary credentials:

Anybody had the same issue and knows how to solve it?

Openzwave has been deprecated, for good reason. It is no longer being developed. Most people have either moved to zwavejs or zwavejs2mqtt for a better control panel. Both work with the zwavejs integration.

i currently have zwavejs2mqtt running on my test RPi 3B+

Alright, but I tried with Z-Wave JS as well and get the same error message. So obviously it´s not the integration itself that causes the problem.

Is that the correct device? I am currently running Debian on my Pi. My controller happens to be on /dev/ttyUSB0.

I usually use the command sudo dmesg | grep tty to see what serial & USB devices are recognized by the OS.