Z wave does not start after updates

Sorry for asking a newbie question.

It is my third time when after HA version upgrade z-wave does not start.

Restoring to previous version snapshot and all is working.

This is brand new NUC installation from yesterday and all worked fine until today appeared update. After that z-wave stopped working. Now that I have restored to previous version I think I need help how to safely upgrade.

Any tips, experiences are warmly welcomed!

What Z-wave are you using? The built-in Z-wave integration, OpenZWave addon, or? What are you seeing? Any logs to share?

If you are using the OpenZWave addon, try calling the service mqtt.dump with the default (example) data.


I am using the integrated version with Aeotec z-wave usb. No logs to share, last time the error said tht it canā€t find the device on usb path (declared id by name).

As always when you try to give some solid evidenceā€¦ I went ahead and after restoring the HA did the update from 0.116.4 to 0.117.0 and all worked without problems. That was not the case last timeā€¦ But so that it would be educational for next time, what logs should I provide next time to investigate as it has been my experience with updates.

Good that it fixed itself at least :slight_smile:
The logs you can provide are under Configuration > Logs and under Configuration > Z-Wave > Logs (The logs section might be called differently, Iā€™m not running the built-in Z-Wave anymore)

Check your device path for the Aeotec USB adapter as it can change after a reboot rendering it inaccessible. The fix is to use /dev/by-id/0658_0200-if00

Ooops, sorry I missed that you had done that. Thatā€™s what I get for reading the forum on my phone!

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