Z-Wave Firmware Repositories

Is there someplace that we can upload Firmware for Z-Wave Devices? I have a lot of the ZOOZ firmwares. Would love to help with the implementation of these into HA for updating these.

The JASCO/GE devices I think are already in your stash - but wanted to add some more - if you want them.

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No, there is not. Vendors are required to provide and host firmware files themselves. You could encourage Zooz to join the program by sending an email, but there’s no guarantee. Regardless of that, do not expect any new vendors or new firmware files to be added until 2023.

I don’t think Zooz would look too kindly if you re-distributed their firmware without permission anyways, and you possibly violate some sort of copyright law or end user agreement if you did.

Z-Wave JS or HA don’t have a “stash” of firmware files. Jasco provides them publicly via GitHub. The update service just links to those.

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Agreed… Leave the redistribution to the manufacturer. Most of us out here frown on firmware not provided by a trusted source. I would also urge you and anyone else not to either… It’s too easy to slip bad stuff in you can’t get rid of.

Also, Zooz seems to go to extreme lengths to keep their firmware behind a registration wall (ive had exchanges with the Zooz support desk about the difficulty of that and how they need to be more like Jasco as recently as two weeks ago…) so I’m with Fresh on that. I don’t think they’re going to be very happy about it and I would expect a cease and desist letter to follow up pretty quickly. :wink:

To follow up, here’s an official response to this exact request: Add several Zooz device firmware updates by uberchris2 · Pull Request #25 · zwave-js/firmware-updates · GitHub

Thanks everyone…does anyone know if the Allegion Touchscreen Deadbolt BE469 (Schlage Touchscreen ZWave locks - all of mine are apparently older with no ZW+) and showing FW: v128.22.

I mean, at least they now have one page where you can constantly access all firmware files without begging them via email: Zooz OTA Firmware Files - Zooz Support Center (registration required).

And in Zooz’ case I think it’s more them being concerned people mess up firmware upgrades and generate RMA cases for them.

Wow – I brought @FelixKa out of hiding. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the post. I would do my own firmware updates - if I could just get my hands on them.

It appears that one of my JASCO/GE devices did not properly update the FW - while it shows it did…some of the settings from the FW that is says it has are not there. Is there a way to FORCE HA to re-do the FW? or even get the FW that is used and I can do it myself? It looks like the Z-Wave JS UI can do it - with the file.

When HA does an update…does it down load them some place locally (I would think so) - I just gotta find them. I have 5 other devices of this same Z-Wave Plug which all appear to have updated correctly - just not this one. Funny too, as it is within 12 feet of the controller and in the same room with another of the same device.