My Home assistant blue is dying so i’ve ordered a home assistant yellow to replace it (USB failing).
My current z-wave setup is through a Aeotec gen5 stick.
I was thinking of taking this opportunity to migrate over a a z-wave 7 stick, (for future proof/better coverage)
It’s entirely possible, the process depends on YOUR ZWave implementation (ZWaveJSUI has built in tools if your existing stick has the right firmware level.)
That said there have been a history of nodes dropping on 700 based sticks and many of the significant firmware updates related to those sticks has been around preventing dropped nodes. (look up here on the forum with keywords like ZWave 700 dead nodes). With my large network (~80 active nodes) even with the 17.2 firmware I still had to roll back to my 500 based Aeotec 5+
So while you can… Should you? Personally I’d stay with the existing stick and get your move done. You can move sticks later.