Z-Wave JS 0.1.15 cannot access dimmer part of Zooz ZEN30

I just updated to 0.1.15 and everything works fine except i cannot access the dimmer part of my Zen30 switches. Not just one, all 4 of them. The relay i can access and i can write configuration to the switch. Anybody else has this issue? I did try to restart HA and the switch (turn off the airgap) but no luck.

same here. all my zwave devices from several vendors are since the update to 0.1.15 ‘not available’.

So anyone else have these issues? How do we resolve?

make sure you guys check github for open issues and if you dont see it there open an issue to get help include any logs as relevant

Upgraded to 0.1.16 and still no luck even if i restarted everything. Ended up excluding each switch and re including them and they work as expected after…

Doing re-interview may do the trick because of some breaking changes in zwavejs server 7.x.x

Unfortunately, re-interviewing the node did not work in my case. I had to exclude and re-include in order to restore functionality.