Z-wave JS needs attentions


after 2024.12 update I’m getting this message

based on that I assume that i need to update the Z-Wave JS UI docker container

but I don’t see an update


I need to wait till the container update, right?

Your first screenshot implies you are using Z-Wave JS add-on, NOT Z-Wave JS UI as you have highlighted. Look at Settings > Add-ons and see if that Ad-on shows an update.

Edit - my mistake, yes you need an update of the container. Generally those are available when the core requirement is updated.

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Considering your snap command, I’m guessing the last instruction is what applies instead of the line that you have highlighted.

this is what I have


this is what I see on the SNAP store

but this is what I get



I’m not a snap user, but the listing screenshot is pretty clear that you are tracking v9.19/stable. So you should update to v9.26/stable or v9.27/stable channels. If you always want to be on the latest and greatest, then use latest/candidate, but I always prefer being explicit about versioning (i.e. using Docker tags which is sort of equivalent).


Yep and that is what I’m trying to do


but it doesn’t pick the latest. It seems that I’m stuck on my version

Your command is wrong, the error message is telling you there’s no channel named =latest/stable, which is true.

--channel=latest/stable not --channel==latest/stable.

Apparently --stable is equivalent to --channel=latest/stable, so if it didn’t switch at the point I don’t know why.

But you should also not use latest/stable if using Home Assistant, it does not track HA requirements. Use either a specific version channel as I mentioned originally, or use latest/candidate.

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I got it

sudo snap refresh --stable zwave-js-ui

sudo snap refresh --channel=v9.27 zwave-js-ui

Thank you

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