Is there a way to programmatically query the node status from HA or Z-Wave JS?
Some context:
We recently had some severe weather that knocked power out to the house for a hour. During that time we had several rapid on/off events. When everything was said and done, I noticed the next day that several Z-Wave switches were stuck in a not ready state. I only discovered this when I noticed some of my automations didn’t work.
While the integration page shows Nodes Ready: X / Y, I had to manually go through the 60 devices on the network and reinterview the ones that were not ready. Thankfully I recovered the ones that were stuck with minimal issues but it took awhile.
It would be awesome if there was a column on devices page called something like Z-Wave Ready that would allow us to filter the devices that are stuck in a not ready state. Meanwhile I was looking to see if I can write a script that would periodically check the status of the devices and alert me when one is not ready.
I wish there was way to get access to the control panel without having to migrate all my stuff over to zwavejs2mqtt. I have 136 devices and spent a ton of time when I moved from OpenZwave over to Z-WaveJS. I thought I read you could install zwavejs2mqtt along side Z-WaveJS and use the panel, but it never seemed to work.
I guess I’m confused by the zwavejstomqtt documentation. Especially when it states It is recommended to use the official add-on instead of this one!.
I appreciate the response, but I’ve been using HA for several years now and one of the things I’ve learned is that anytime I deviate to far from the “Official” add-ons, I end up creating more work for myself. I try to minimize the use of community addons or custom components.
I was looking for a solution within HA/Z-WaveJS it self. Because the integration page shows Nodes Ready: X / Y, I thought there would be a way to query which notes were not ready.
zwavejs2mqtt has existed longer than the official zwavejs addon and has a more robust control panel. Notice the Supervisor lists a Community Addon for zwavejs2mqtt which has the same developer ad the official addon (Frenck).
I get it and I really appreciate and thank you for your response. However, Frenck’s zwavejs2mqtt documentation states (in a couple of places) that the official addon is recommended. This suggests to me that if something breaks or is changed in future releases of HA, the official addon would get priority over the community one. Also, I suspect more folks support the official addon vs the community one. I also support the HA developers efforts to incorporate everything you need to manage your installation within HA itself vs relying on 3rd party features (e.g. hue groups).
I have a large install that took a lot of time and effort build and tweak, I don’t want it to be a full time job, so I try to keep it as simple as possible. Plus the more reliably it works, the less grief I get from my wife.
Again, I appreciate your response and suggestion, I just don’t think this particular solution will work for me.
Personally I am likely going to deploy Home Assistant Container with ZWavejs2mqtt Docker container. That keeps the Z-Wave portion updated independently of HA. I am moving back here from openHAB and there were recent issues where their update process broke Z-Wave updates for months. Once burned, twice shy.
I left HA 2 years ago due to the awful OZW 1.4 device support. Both projects were in transition at that time. I worked quite closely with their excellent Z-Wave / Zigbee developer to show my appreciation for his great work. IMO the controlling developers, especially their “BDFL”. (or BOFH??) to not give much consideration to the users or to good documentation. When OH3 was released, they expected the users to write the documentation. I would assume the developers know their product better than the users.
Now, with zwavejs2mqtt HA has good Z-Wave support and the HA developers actually listen to their users. I notice what happened when they planned on killing HA Supervised. A compromise was reached to serve the users while easing developer load.
My production system is currently running OH (2.5.2) but I am very close to moving it over to HA.
So it looks like the new Node Status entity that was added in 2021.8 will solve my problem. I should be able to create an alert based on the status change.