I’m getting really tired, I don’t know how to tackle this… I went from domoticz (Rpi) + Aeotec stick Z-wave to Hassio on Nuc - first it seams that all z-wave sensor went over without any hassle (just plugged the usb in). But then, suddenly, it begin losing contacts with the sensors and i’m getting a real mix of problems.
It seams like the stick has connection with the NUC but just some sensors seams to report and have connection. Any guidance what can be wrong and how I should proceed is mush appreciated. Running latest Hassio+docker+ubuntu
Did you manually copy over the Z-wave network key from Domoticz to Hassio or did you simply let Hassio set up Z-wave for you without re-using the network key?
This sounds similar to an issue I had when I moved from HASSIO on RPI to full Home Assistant in a venv on an Ubuntu VM. I had to go back to HASSIO, retrieve the network key, and then configure the new Home Assistant install with the old network key. At that point, my devices started working as expected.
Thanks for all replies, i had to setup VNC while at it. Unfortunately after removing the modemmanager the problems are still there. I tried to manually trigger my siren and it work, so the usb stick has connection to the zwave devices. It seams that the entities that having problems are the sensors.