Z Wave & raspi-config

Hi guys, I’m sure I’m being really dense here, but I can’t seem to work this out or find any guides.

I’ve purchased a ZWave.me UZB1 stick to add to my Raspberry Pi3+ running 0.87.0.

I’ve read the documentation detailing the installation process (https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/installation).

I note the detail:
On Raspberry Pi you will need to enable the serial interface in the raspi-config tool before you can add Z-Wave to Home Assistant.

But I can’t find out how to do this.

Apologies for what I’m sure is a n00b question, and thanks in advance.

no apologize for the question
you have to run the the command raspi-config in a terminal, usually as an user with admin rights like sudo or root. e.g. sudo raspi-config .
details see here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/raspi-config.md

Hey, thanks.

So I’ve tried to SSH into the Pi from my Mac using terminal using the command ssh pi@ but get:

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is

etc. etc.

i’ts because you built up your PI-installation a second time. Your Mac didn’t expect the new keys from the new PI-installation (Mac has stored the values from first ssh-login into first installation).
This should solve your problem: https://de.godaddy.com/help/ssh-login-warnung-remote-host-id-wurde-geandert-12161?lang=en

Hi, I’m completely new to this, please be patient with me!

I followed the instructions on your Godaddy link, but it’s now asking me for a password. I’ve tried all the possibilities I can think of, including ‘raspberry’, which I understand to be the default for Raspbian.

Permission denied.

I don’t recall ever setting an Admin password for SSH access. My installation is a HassOS one, and I can’t find any mention of the default password being different for HassOS.

Very sorry once again, I’m trying to do my own research and solve the problem myself, but I’m a complete n00b! :smiley:

Never mind. None of that stuff was needed. I think I’ve managed to get it to work using the Z Wave Integration. Now to add some devices.

Hi all,

A few months down the line and I’m on a fresh install and a lot seems to have changed.

I’ve installed the zwave integration and added the following to my configuration.yaml file:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0

I have started adding my Fibaro dimmers (212) as nodes and can see them in my Lovelace dashboard. However after a few minutes they stop responding. I can see all the devices, but they stop accurately reporting their on/off state and won’t toggle state unless I restart home assistant or stop and start the zwave network.

Why is this happening?