Z-wave smart plug sensors showing up as "unknown"

Hello All,

I bought the Z-wave plus smart plug from Dome Home Automation. When I add it to my Home Assistant with HUSBZB-1 controller, it shows up as “unknown”. All of its energy monitoring capabilities also show up as “unknown”. Please see attached picture.

I know I can customize the names using customize.yaml but none of my z-wave devices from other manufacturers show up as unknown. Other Dome sensors also show up as unknown. Others have nice recognizable names.

Why does this happen and is there a way to fix this? Identifying each feature and manually customizing the names could be cumbersome. Just wondering if there is an easier way.


This is due to the device not having an entry in the manufacturer XML file. This is part of OpenZwave, there may be updated files on the github you can download and place in your config_dir to resolve this.

Thanks. This helps. I found the xml files on GitHub. Those files have the following names: 0085.xml, 0101.xml, etc. Do I just place these in config folder of home assistant? Sorry just want to make sure if I understood you correctly.

I am using HASSio.

See this link for where your config_path is to place the files.

I don’t think config_path works for hass.io from my research. Am I wrong?

You’re correct, unless you enable developer mode, then you can’t update the config files.

Thanks! I guess I may have to move back to my HASS on Ubuntu.

A post was split to a new topic: Find the default config_path on a docker