Z-wave / ZigBee Hub Controller that can integrate with HA

Hi everyone!

I currently run HA on a Pi3 with a Z-Stick Gen5 USB for my z-wave devices…

I’ve recently purchased a Synology NAS that could run HA in Docker, but it comes with the limitation that Synology prohibits the usage of USB ports for unsupported devices such as the Z-Stick…

Instead of ‘hacking’ my Synology to accept the Z-Stick, I’m currently looking at purchasing a standalone z-wave controller that could manage the z-wave and ZigBee connections, and that could be integrated with HA through the LAN.

Any pointers for me ?

You could use the Pi3 to host the network connection for the Z-wave and ZigBee USB devices. Leave the 2 devices plugged into the PI and configure ser2net on the PI to allow the integrations to connect via the network.

Both Z-wave-JS-UI and ZHA support network IP addresses and ports in the configuration where you normally specify the serial device path.

No new hardware required.

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I’ve had great success using zwave usb sticks on Synology from docker. The hacks are not really hacks and have been super stable for me. Glad to provide more details if needed.

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