Hello all,
I’m new to HAOS, but I’ve mucking with Linux for the last 20 years.
I just picked up a ZBT-1 Zigbee-UART bridge to add ZigBee to my HA install. But I can’t seem to get my KVM/Xen HA Guest OS to see the device.
I have two other Guests running on this Xen install and Both of them see the CP210X device and show /dev/ttyUSB0 when I attach the USB device to their DomU. It also shows on the Host OS without issue, but I can’t get it to show up in the HA Guest for the life of me.
I’ve even manually used xl to attach the device to DomU that HA is in. Xen show’s it’s there when I do a xl usb-list HomeAssistant. But when I grep dmesg for USB all I can is the virtual keyboard input. And when I do a lsusb on the OS CLI I only see the same two USB device, no matter what I do.
Any ideas on what I’m missing?
HA has been running great on this install other than this little issue. It’s been monitoring my Victron Solar and Battery system, controlling all of my Hue Lights, and even watching for devices on my Mikrotik routers. I’m loving what it has been able to do. I just want to get my Zigbee Door alarms hooked up.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.