ZHA All Devices Unavailable

I’ve looked around a bit without seeing anything similar but I apologize if this is a repeat question.

I’ve recently started replacing some old hardware with zigbee devices. Specifically Aqara devices. It has worked fine until a system reboot last night. Now they don’t come up. I confirmed that the VM could still see the modem and inside the docker container I could still see it.

Based on the logs attached it seems like the stick is there and fine. Just nothing coming from the other devices. Any help on next steps would be appreciated.

My setup is:

  • Proxmox latest version
  • Hassio VM (which is running ubuntu it seems)
  • Conbee II

Did you find a solution on this?
I started migrating my devices to ZHA and since last night only my xiaomi door/window sensors are unavailable.
Motion detectors and sonoff basic zigbees work ok