ZHA Make changing coordinator Simpler

Hey friends from the HA Planet,

I got some. Questions, I know how to change and migrate my ZHA coordinator… Buuut :!!!
If I die?
I want that the step should be made easy as backup, and that it should only take 3 steps max.

I ask you all, can you please make that true?


I need that…
Think about it, if there is a better stick or a better zigbee coordinator it should help.

Best regards your friend.

I think this is very hard to do, because there actually is some information in every zigbee device that you paired which identifies the specific coordinator you used. And there is pairing information in the coordinator itself too (at least the conbee 2, even when used with ZHA) and this information cannot be updated unless by a pairing or an unpairing request…

So I do not think you can really change the coordinator without physically initiating a pairing request with every and each end device. Which is kind of good for security in fact, even if it is annoying when you have to do that.

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Yes you can.

I moved between coordinators with different chipsets without repairing, and that was before ZHA Toolkit supported backup/restore.

I followed the methods here:

Should be easier now with Toolkit.


I know that it’s possible, that’s why I want a simple UI solution for it, it should be easy.

Because HASS should be easy to use.


I agree. I think it will get there.

Z2M already does it automatically for TI family adapters. I don’t think it works across other chipsets with z2m yet, which is possible with the ZHA toolchain. My ZHA move was from HUSBZB-1(Silicon Labs) to Sonoff Dongle+(TI).

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Exactly. We need to be simpler in the future.

Good to know it’s at least possible.

I agree that HA “out of the box” ought to be at least as good as Z2M. I shouldn’t have to add two new components (Z2M and MQTT) to get this kind of feature. Zigbee is an important enough protocol that it shouldn’t require add-ons. It’s not just the added complexity. It’s two more things to learn, two more things to worry about for every update, two more things to bring breaking changes and bugs to HA.


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It’s in the works:

Backend code is already merged so I think that it will be released with HA 2022.9


Great news, very nice :hugs:, this community rocks.

Nice! Thanks to all who contribute!!!

Hi! Thanks for the update I was waiting to migrate my Conbee II!

How is the backup file supposed to look like? The JSON generates is fairly empty. Is there a tuto on how to use the function? (I checked the official page but it didn’t help much)

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