ZHA not sending to MQTT


I’m a bit confused about my current setup.

I’m using ZHA for my zigbee devices since I installed Home Assistant (via Docker). I’m pretty sure I used to get the device data on MQTT under a topic “zigbee2mqtt”, but now that topic is gone. I’m not sure what changed to make it disappear. Does anyone have any idea where to start looking?


Yes, now you use ZHA for your zigbee devices, before you used zigbee2mqtt. ZHA does not use mqtt, zigbee2mqtt does. There are 2 different integrations, and you can only use one at the time with the same stick.

I’m really starting to doubt my sanity because I don’t remember switching from zigbee2mqtt. :slight_smile:

If I would have switched, I should have re-paired every device I presume? I’m pretty sure I didn’t do that. I also cannot find any trace of an old install zigbee2mqtt on my system.

But if I understand correctly, if I want my zigbee devices on MQTT, the only option is zigbee2mqtt?

indeed. ZHA does not send mqtt.

I am not sure whether you could use this to put your ZHA devices on MQTT MQTT Statestream - Home Assistant

That indeed seems to work. Thanks!