Zha set up in qnap

Ive spent hours/days before posting this so pls help. I successfully set up HA on my QNAP using Container Station by carefully following a Youtube video. It works fine, can see most of my devices. Want to add zigbee support so i purchased a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB (-P version). Watched a ton of videos about zigbee2mtt vs ZHA. Started on the z2m path, but because its in a container, there are no add-ons, making it more of challenge, and more videos lead me to having to install MS Vscript, portainer, Mosquito and much more with lots of CLI actions. So I decided to go the simple route of ZHA. Video suggested connect the Sonoff, click on the ZHA integration… but this requires the serial / port address of the device which requires SSH so then I installed Putty. Log on as admin, get the table of commands, quit the table, enter the commands of “ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/” results in No such file or directory. STUMPED.

  1. Any help on how I simply find the serial device path to continue the ZHA integration. Hoping this is a simple error on my part trying to use SSH
  2. given the container limitations, should i just install it as OS on an old laptop instead…but will i run into the same challenge with serial device path or will installation but much easier?
    Thanks in advance - Amazon delivered a bunch of zigbee devices to connect if i can get past this.