ZHA/Z2M + Conbee or Sonoff = unstable? What to do

I have had for quite a while ZHA + Conbee running. Ran fine. But i read a lot about Sonoff E being “better” so i wanted to give that a try. Same goes for Z2M.

Maybe a bit of FOMO :stuck_out_tongue:

So i was also thinking about swithing to Z2M for a while.

But since i switched to ZHA + Sonoff E (tried different FW versions) my HUE motion sensors keep dropping off.

I use Aqara motion sensor, aqara open and close sensor/temperature sensors, HUE lights (at the moment through the HUE bridge), HUE motion sensors, HUE light strips and Blitzwolf SHP13/15 smart plugs.

The smart plugs are also really slow since using Sonoff stick.

I have tried resetting ZHA en rejoin all devices. I don’t mind doing that again but i am looking for the best/most stable choice.

I have a Conbee II and Sonoff E and P stick here. Is it really so that Sonoff is better than Conbee II?

I found this topic about hue issues with sonoff E:

I figured in the end i wanted to switch to Z2M with Sonoff stick a lot of people wrote Z2M is better…

I am now just wondering and looking which combination will make all the devices work (stable).

Any ideas or tips?

P.S. is it common to keep using the bridge for HUE stuff? I figured i would slowly move away from the HUE bridge completely. Did that for motion sensors but not yet for lights and dimmers.